Privacy Policy

At Fusioni Technologies, we value the privacy of our visitors, and the ones who respond to our advertisements or send email. This Privacy Policy statements will give you all necessary details and help you to understand all the insights. We always protect your personal information against all possible vulnerabilities, no matter whether you are viewing our website or requesting information about our services. We may use your personal information for our business operations to provide you better service. 

Fusioni Technologies does not collect any personal information (such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.), unless it is given to us voluntarily. We do not share, disclose or sell any personal information collected through with any other companies. It is important to note that we can provide personally-identifiable information on legal demands, where we believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or take a legal action against individuals who may be endangering public safety or interfering with Fusioni Technologies’ properties or services, or with our customers’. 

Fusioni Technologies Private Limited reserves the right to change these Privacy Policy at its sole discretion.