Estimote Smart Beacons

Estimote Smart Beacons are small wireless sensors that you can attach to any location or object. These are small low-cost piece of hardware which use battery-friendly, low energy bluetooth connections to provide a strong context signal to give your users a better location and proximity experience. Beacon is an endless real-time transmitting technology for marketer’s new insight into the real-life behaviour of their consumers. Rather than shopping around online for a better deal, beacons have the potential to offer instant promotions and encourage shoppers to buy on the spot to help retailers more money.

Beacons broadcast tiny radio signals which your smartphone can receive and interpret to unlock microlocation and contextual awareness. It can be used for several purposes like asset tracking, social campaigns, promotional offers, deals. These are perfect for retail and entertainment venues, allowing relevant and timely messages to the users. It also helps to communicate with customers, personalize the customer experience to elevate your marketing efforts and sales to expand your business.

The industries where Smart Beacons are benefited:

  • Retail Industry
  • Hospital Industry
  • Education Industry
  • Real Estate Industry
  • Entertainment Industry

Fusioni Technologies is here to develop Estimote Smart Beacon app for your requirements. There are only few companies which offer a full end to end Estimote smart beacons app development, in which Fusioni Technologies is ahead of its competitors in developing a robust and top-notch beacon apps. Our beacon development approach will begin with understanding customer’s ideas and assessing how beacons will interact with the app to flourish your business and potential customers.

It's simple, Contact us today for a no obligation consultation for your next project.
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