Significance of Laravel in Custom Web Development

By Anil Kumar Maurya (Server Side Team)

Laravel is one of the most popular free open-source PHP frameworks, which is used for various custom web development projects. It has few significant features for faster development.

1. Authorization: The "Authentication" system prevents the unauthorized access to a website developed using Laravel framework.

2. Artisan: Laravel comes with an in-built tool "Artisan" which allows amazing features like application creation, database migration and lot of other repetitive tasks without any manual work. This tool will do everything for you.

3. Security: It provides additional security to your web application by keeping the hashed password in database instead of plain text and reduces the scope of SQL injection attack.

4. Eloquent ORM: It provided simple ActiveRecord implementation for your database. Each table has a respective "Model", which is used to interact with that table.

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